Monday, September 18, 2006

Blogs: Bane or Blessing?

Welcome once again to my occasional rant. There has been a topic that I have been thinking about for quite some time now. And that has to be blogs. If you haven't heard of blogs... Where have you been? And how in the world is that possible since you are reading my own blog at this very moment. There is a plethora of free and useful information out there and if you have yet to tap it I would highly suggest you do so.

Blogs aren't just a persons personal log or journal as it were, but instead they can be used for much more beneficial needs such as sharing information and/or experience. They are useful also for the collection of links for a specific interest. Then of course the blogger has the oppurtunity to comment on that link or topic thus fulfilling his or her need for an outlet. The comments on the link or topic can be immensley helpful on whether or not you the reader want to take the time to click and read said link.

There are two types of blogs that I personally am drawn and interested in. There is the blog where the links are posted about a specific subject, two of which I visit are Whedonesque relating to all things that are related to the works of Joss Whedon and Engadget that post the latest in gadgets that are coming out and related notes.

The second is the type of blog where some individual shares their advice and their experience. There are few of these that I visit frequently but one that I have been taken a shine to would be I Will Teach You To Be Rich, which comes from an experienced money man that has some really interesting insights into managing ones personal finances. And when I was interested in the goings on at Microsoft there is a very interesting blog put forth by an anonymous blogger named Mini-MSFT Another blog that I find interesting but is really more of a hybrid of the two types would be Blogging Ohio which discusses things that relate to my home state.

Okay, well I suppose that is enough on the benefits of blogs. If you have any blogs that you might think I would be interested in just put it into the comments or if you want to know more of the blogs I visit or would like to find blogs that interest you, just post in the comments and I'd be more than happy to help.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

NYTimes: LonelyGirl Revealed

"The woman who plays lonelygirl15, whose first-person videos are among the most-viewed on the clip-sharing Web site YouTube, has been identified as Jessica Rose, a twentyish resident of New Zealand and Los Angeles and a graduate of the New York Film Academy."

View full article here.

This is a followup to my prior post regarding LonelyGirl15. I just want to say, this sort of thing is really freaking creepy. I don't really appreciate things that are put forth as complete truth only to find out that they were really part of some marketing ploy. I don't much care for corporate america to pull on my heart strings when I don't know that they are. But this is a two sided coin. I enjoyed the mystery of it all and it gave me something to think about. But that doesn't mean I have to like it. I'm pretty darned glad that someone like Silicon Valley Watcher was able to put together this mystery before the perpetuator of this hoax was able to do it themselves.

Tips on Giving a Good Presentation

Recently I've been seeing a good bit of presentations and I personally think I give a good presentation so why not give a few good tips on how I like to give a good presentation.

First off power point is just a tool it is not your presentation. Make your presentation more natural by using PowerPoint like an new style notecard. When you throw up the ppt make sure that all you are going to talk about is not on the slide. Use the bullet points and headlines in your ppt as a reminder and not as a dictation.

If something is an aside and not vital to the whole of the presentation make sure that you leave it off of the slides. But just because something is not vital to the presentation doesn't mean it isn't important. By that I mean if you have a story (which I'll get to next) that adds character to the presentation then make sure you tell it but try to make it seem natural and not planned.

Now stories are a great way of getting your audience to pay attention and to give them something to take away from your presentation. But of course you have to make sure that it does relate to what you are talking about.

Last but not least: Make sure people can hear and understand you! I have seen so many presentations of late that the speaker is either speaking way too low or way too fast! I know that people can have stage fright that may cause this but some people just don't realize they are doing it. If you see someone doing this, do them a favor and bring it up either during or after the presenation.

Now go out there to educate people but make sure to leave them with a smile or a laugh!

Oh and if you do not have power point check out

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Facebook Facelift & Lonelygirl15

Okay first post, all that. First off I'd like to apologize to all those that had been following my GooglePage audio blog. It was pretty crappy, difficult to update and hard to create a feed for the data. And as far as I know Blogger should have some excellent ways or helping me do things better.

First off as in regards to the Facebook Facelift that occured the other day, its freaking awesome. I appreciate it because I am lazy. This new redesign helps me out in a lot of ways such as easier notice of new pictures posted, with people attending events and in general with keeping up with my friends. I must say that some of it is a tad overwhelming and there is some definitie information overload. However taking all that into account I really like all of the changes, but I may be a stalker at heart, I just don't know. Also in regards to all those that are afraid of the stalkers coming to get you... Don't make stalkers your friend! All of the privacy settings are still in effect and no one who is not your friend can see what you are up to. If you have made a stalker your friend its best to just go ahead and de-friend them right away! Mark Zuckerberg has a very good post on the Facebook Official blog check it out here.

Now, on to the topic of this chick on YouTube that has the username Lonelygirl15.
If you are creeped out easily, I wouldn't suggest reading further on...
Okay now that I know you are a creepy individual let me go into this. The internet buzz of late is that she is actually some sort of hoax. Perpetuated to us as a sweet young girl with an exceptionally good webcam. Oh and did I mention that if she is the member of some sort of cult? If you were to watch all of her videos on YouTube you might begin to notice some rather creepy things going on. First off she never mentions her religon on camera and if you take a keen eye to her room you'll notice a couple of key objects that just don't fit. First off is the picture o
Aleister Crowley
who has such glowing distinctions as being "The Wickedest Man In the World" and associate of L. Ron Hubbard
(famed creator of scientology). She is in so deep that she is even about to perform in some sacred ritual that not even her parents are allowed to attend. For her sake, I hope this whole thing is a hoax.

Oh and those afraid that I won't be continuing the audio blogs because I got this shiny new Blogger, no worries I plan to do them still, just not as frequently.