Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Facebook Facelift & Lonelygirl15

Okay first post, all that. First off I'd like to apologize to all those that had been following my GooglePage audio blog. It was pretty crappy, difficult to update and hard to create a feed for the data. And as far as I know Blogger should have some excellent ways or helping me do things better.

First off as in regards to the Facebook Facelift that occured the other day, its freaking awesome. I appreciate it because I am lazy. This new redesign helps me out in a lot of ways such as easier notice of new pictures posted, with people attending events and in general with keeping up with my friends. I must say that some of it is a tad overwhelming and there is some definitie information overload. However taking all that into account I really like all of the changes, but I may be a stalker at heart, I just don't know. Also in regards to all those that are afraid of the stalkers coming to get you... Don't make stalkers your friend! All of the privacy settings are still in effect and no one who is not your friend can see what you are up to. If you have made a stalker your friend its best to just go ahead and de-friend them right away! Mark Zuckerberg has a very good post on the Facebook Official blog check it out here.

Now, on to the topic of this chick on YouTube that has the username Lonelygirl15.
If you are creeped out easily, I wouldn't suggest reading further on...
Okay now that I know you are a creepy individual let me go into this. The internet buzz of late is that she is actually some sort of hoax. Perpetuated to us as a sweet young girl with an exceptionally good webcam. Oh and did I mention that if she is the member of some sort of cult? If you were to watch all of her videos on YouTube you might begin to notice some rather creepy things going on. First off she never mentions her religon on camera and if you take a keen eye to her room you'll notice a couple of key objects that just don't fit. First off is the picture o
Aleister Crowley
who has such glowing distinctions as being "The Wickedest Man In the World" and associate of L. Ron Hubbard
(famed creator of scientology). She is in so deep that she is even about to perform in some sacred ritual that not even her parents are allowed to attend. For her sake, I hope this whole thing is a hoax.

Oh and those afraid that I won't be continuing the audio blogs because I got this shiny new Blogger, no worries I plan to do them still, just not as frequently.

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